Since coffee is the most popular beverage in the world, it consists of many steps and processes in production before becoming a delicious coffee menu for us to drink. Starting from the selection of beans, the fermentation process, washing with pure water, and then drying until we get green coffee beans. Then it is the roasting process of green coffee beans to reduce the density of the coffee.

Which affects the intensity of the coffee. The roasting process is to increase the temperature inside the coffee beans to about 200 degrees Celsius. During roasting, the starch in the coffee beans will change to single-molecule sugar, causing the coffee beans to start to burn and turn darker. If the coffee beans are roast for a long time, the aromatic oils, acids, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, and caffeine will be weaker.
Different types of coffee
Espresso: The coffee has a strong flavor because it is pure coffee brewe using steam or hot water through finely ground roast coffee beans. It is serve as a shot without adding sugar or milk. It should be drunk freshly brewe to avoid losing the flavor. And to get the true taste of coffee as well as the aromatic coffee aroma.
Americano or Cafe Americano: There is a brewing method by adding hot water to espresso. Americano is suitable for those who like black coffee, but not as strong as espresso. Most people like to drink Americano without adding milk or sugar.
Cappuccino: Originating from Italy, cappuccino is usually make. With a ratio of 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steam milk (hot milk with steam) and 1/3 fine foamed milk floating on top. The identity of cappuccino is the sprinkling of cinnamon powder. Sometimes, a little cocoa powder is sprinkl instead. Ice cappuccino can be seen from the milk foam on top. If there is a lot of milk foam, that’s a cappuccino.
Latte: Coffee with milk as the main ingredient, combined with espresso and adding a rich aroma with milk foam on top, making the coffee taste smooth, well-rounded, sweet, and easy to drink. If anyone likes mild coffee and doesn’t like coffee that is too strong, Latte is another menu that is suitable for coffee beginners as well.
Flat white is a coffee that has 1 shot of espresso and then double the amount of hot milk add to make it a mild coffee. With a strong taste and smell of milk mixed together. And finally, Frappuccino is a mixed drink that has both coffee and non-coffee ingredients. Such as Caramel Frappuccino, Chocolate Cream Frappuccino, Mango Passion Fruit Frappuccino, etc.
Mocha (Cafe Mocha): Similar to a latte, it is make with 1/3 espresso and 2/3 hot milk. But differs in that a mocha also contains chocolate. Chocolate is usually add in the form of chocolate syrup. It is available hot or cold with ice and is often top with whippe cream.
- Mocha is similar to a latte in that it is 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk. But it also contains chocolate.
Macchiato or Latte Macchiato is make by mixing espresso with a small amount of milk. Macchiato coffee menus also often add other flavors, such as Caramel Macchiato. Which is a combination of milk, coffee, and caramel, allowing the drinker to taste the aroma, sweetness, and deliciousness.
For beginners who want to try drinking coffee, once you know how each type of coffee is different. You can choose to order the coffee you like. Or you can try all the types and choose which one is your favorite.